Sarah Alice
About the Artist
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Sarah Alice was born and raised in the small Victorian town of Maine, NY.  Always artistically motivated, she graduated with a BFA in Jewelry Design from Buffalo State College in December 1998. Driving away from her last class in a packed moving truck, she headed west to Northern California.  Now living in Oroville, CA, she creates her jewelry in a sunny studio overlooking a cottage garden in the home she shares with her husband Michael.


Too often the whimsy of childhood is lost or neglected as a person matures and embraces adulthood. Sarah Alice has chosen to celebrate the playful and fanciful parts of youth in her designs. Frequently, she finds inspiration from her two young granddaughters. In her work you will experience a new twist on childhood games such as jacks, bubble blowing and hangman.


Tactile by nature Sarah Alice designs her jewelry to invite touch, inspire playfulness, and evoke a memory that results in a smile. She incorporates texture and maximizes movement in her designs both literally and visually.


As with youth, each new day provides inspiration for new projects and designs.  What inspiration will she find today that you will wear tomorrow?